Thursday, July 21, 2011

Top Ten Indoor Plants to Reduce Pollution

Indoor plants like an mini air conditioners and filters to adjust and clean the air around us. They are working hard to absorb carbon dioxide at night and release oxygen on days to incessantly providing humans with natural oxygen.

Adiantum Absorbs Radiation from Computer and Printer.
Adiantum absorbs 20 micrograms of formaldehyde per hour, it is considered the most effective natural cleaner. If you work with paints or having smokers around you, you should have some of them in your workplace. Besides, it can contain Xylene and Toluene released by monitors and printers.

Aloe can make “signal for help” when in an excessive harmful air.
Aloe is dubbed as an air cleaning expert. One pot of aloe equals to nine biological air cleaners. They can absorb formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide. When harmful elements in the air has exceeded due amount, there will spots appear on the leaves, these are signals for help. If you add more pots of aloe, the problem will be resolved.

Rubber tree can be helpful in eliminating harmful substance.
Rubber tree is a multi functional cleaner which eliminates harmful substance. They can absorb carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, HF, etc. They also collect Granules to reduce the dust around you.

Asparagus can kill viruses and bacteria.
The fragrance of asparagus can contain the bacteria and viruses in the air to ensure your health. Besides, it is a valuable material in medication.

Ivy is the king in absorbing formaldehyde.
Ivy is the most effective indoor plant in absorbing formaldehyde.
Ivy per square meter can absorb 1.49 grams of formaldehyde. In the mean time, it can absorb harmful substances like Benzene. In 24 hours, it can 90% of indoor benzene. In 10 square meters, if you put 2-3 pots of ivy, it should be enough to perform the function of cleaning the air and dust.

Cacti is the best in reducing radiation.
Cacti is very strong in eliminating bacteria. In tackling pollution, cacti is the best in reducing radiation. Besides, cacti absorbs carbon dioxide at night to release oxygen. Putting cacti in the room is helpful in sleeping and supplementing oxygen.

Chlorophytum is an air filter itself.
Chlorophytum can perform photosynthesis under weak light and absorb harmful air. One pot of Chlorophytum in a 8-10 square meters of room is enough to perform as an air filter, which releases oxygen and absorbs Carcinogens like formaldehyde and Styrene. Chlorophytum is very strong in absorbing carbon monoxide and formaldehyde normally up 95% and 85%. It decomposes benzene and Nicotine in tobaccos. So they are called green filters.

Clivia keeps air fresh in winter.
One grown up Clivia can absorb one liter of air and release 80% of oxygen overnight. It can perform photosynthesis under very weak light. Two and three pots of clivia can absorb the smoke in ten square meters. In winter in the north, even with doors and windows closed, Clivia can adjust the air make it fresh.

Monstera improves air quality at night.
Monstera is not so good at cleaning the air, but it is really good at absorbing formaldehyde. Besides, it absorbs carbon dioxide at night and releases the oxygen, so it is helpful in improving air quality. It is also good looking and elegant, proves to be a very good indoor plants.

Pachira absorbs smoke well.
If you hates smokers around you and being a victim of secondhand smoke, but futile in stopping them from smoking, you can put pachira around you, it will absorb smoke effectively. It also absorbs carbon dioxide and monoxide, releases oxygen.

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